Johnny was playing outside when he really had to go to the bathroom. He runs in and his grandma was about to take a shower. He looks at her crotch and says, "Whats that" She says, "Well, it's a beaver, Johnny." The next day the same thing happens, only his mom is taking the shower. He says, "Mom I know what that is. It's a beaver, but I think grandma's is dead because it's tongue is hanging out."
We all go through life with vices, some (as a friend of mine put it) like to smoke, chew, drink, and of course who doesn’t like some good ole porn. However, others seem to suffer from their own unique vice. Speed, OCD, over analyzing the system are a few, but the one L-$ suffers from is BFCSN syndrome. BFCSN or Big Fish Can’t Say No is found most commonly as a side effect of CPAB (can’t pedal a bike). Its common knowledge that L-$ has CPAB, this would explain his many extra years in the classroom in hopes of reviving that big fish on campus feeling… Dude your almost 40, leave it to the kids, why rob them of that title. What’s next? Summer camp, the boy scouts, girls soccer, is there no institution safe. Watch out all those who approach the ice cream truck...
It’s good however, to see that with your busy schedule you have found some (me) time, of course most of us call it sleep. Do your nightmares consist of sitting on the beach all alone, sipping on a drink and taking in the sunset?
I do worry that your short to the point, very infrequent posts on the blog may be a reflection of your abilities in the nookie chamber. Does the wife suffer from the same sense of dissatisfaction we have grown to know. Maybe instead on L-$ you should be the minuteman.
Here are a few suggestions for your lifestyle that might help out. Have you checked into the 25 x30” post-its? Shortening game lengths to allow you to coach more games per day is a must. Ever thought of looking at your life as if it’s always rush hour, might look around you, nothings moving, pull over and take a break.
It’s never a game when your winning. G.C.
Time is the best teacher, but unfortunately, it kills all it’s students. R.W.
Oh, that way madness lies: let me shun that. W.S.
Whoop there it is, now get out and pedal