Aug 31, 2007
If only...

Aug 30, 2007

I think we all know what this means. I won't belaber the point that the old man in the group smoked you with two cramped legs and a tampon inserted at the end of a 1oo mile ride. Hauling too much ass hollaran better lay off the fire house food, Kipedalin better find that gear he had in high school and the rest of you poor slobs better quit admiring your large calves because this little skinny shit just layed down the heat. I'm so fast I hurt right now. Anyway, after days of recover and rehabilitation, I am up and walking around again. Still riding in hopes that the last race of my season will bring me the win that has eluded me for some 15 years. I hope you all had a great time because I have not had this much fun with my clothes on for years. I really hope that we all make an effort to have this on our calenders each year for a time to get together and give each other shit for the lives we lead and how we all know better about everything. I believe that Kipedalin and I will have the accomodations down to a science by next year. Take care all and I will not let this blog die easily so keep writing. Don't let your meat loaf and take care of yourselves.
Peace out!!!! Bikemonkey.
Aug 27, 2007
Smoked 'em

I'm pretty sure we whooped all of these people. Now that we survived hell, we have to decide what's next...
Thanks for a great ride everyone.