chinese proverbs---
Always remember----
Bike Monkey-- Man who scratches butt should not bite fingernails.
D'lish-- When the tiger comes down from the mountain to the plains, it is bullied by the dogs.
Kipedelin-- A fall into a ditch makes you wiser.
When riding in Hell, do as the.......
Ahhhh, yes grasshopper, you are wise in the old ways. Don't forget the proverbs of Confusious, "He who eat prunes, set on pot for many moons". So get off your crapper and ride ole man!!! I will be up at the end of the month to ride with Kipedalin in the OSAGE ride for charity. It is in OSage Kansas, about 2 hours east of you. Would be nice to have you but I realize the new job may cause conflicts. I will throw some more darts in the next blog. Take care and stand by for some more good stuff!
Danielson, your never going to have to practice the wax on wax off training method with that new bike if you dont actually get it outside and ride it.
Mr. Miyagi
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