Also, these are the people that show up at crits in Durango:
1. Matt Shriver you'll see him try to bridge a gap during the Tour de Georgia and get hung out to dry
2. Anthony Colby 3rd on Brasstown Bald during Tour de Georgia (behind Leipheimer and Danielson)
3. Steve Owens claims he "used" to be a Cat 2, but he looked pretty strong
A wise cyclist once said "It is better to try and fail a criterium than to never try a criterium at all. D-Lish these are some of the most intense cycling events you will ever encounter. All you can do is race and then thank the good lord above that you are still alive after it, then look forward to the next spiritual experience. Good Job! Now you have officially been bicycle spanked!!!! So get on your bike and ride Freak!
I watched these guys ride. They suck, whats your problem you should be cleaning house. Just remember on thing Attack Attack Attack. Not one of them would stand a chance riding here in the Mid West.
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