Mar 5, 2007

One week update

weight: 175

Total mileage for last week was 108 miles. I set two new PRs, I rode for 30 miles in one ride and broke a hundred miles. My legs are tired but feel pretty good. My upper body is still trying to adjust, arms are doing a lot better, my neck however sucks. I feel like I'm back in basic and trying to get used to wearing a kevlar helmet all day.
Goal for this week is 120 - 150 miles time and weather permitting...Of course for me that's only 3 or 4 hrs of riding.......
Challenge: LaMoney I'm calling you out, I challenge you to find the time no matter what it takes to get your bike out twice this week and ride 7 miles each time.
D-Lish No matter how hard, stick with you diet plan, it will work. There will be plenty of times your going to want to freak out from actual hunger and mentally wanting Taco Smell. Remember it's a life choice, a different way of living from the normal fattys in America. We have plenty of time to get fat latter. This is not a sacrifice, the rewards you will gain on the bike from the weight loss will make you forget the times you struggled with your nutritional transition. Also, I challenge you to do 2 a days twice this week.. Do some form of exercise for 30 minutes in the morning before you eat or drink anything. Also do a afternoon or evening workout.
Bikemonkey- Hell I don't know, do what you do... Bet you can't ride over 120 miles this week. I know excuses, excuses--kid, work, wind, etc..
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have all those also. Not to mention I'm no where near the rider you are. I should never out train you in a week. lol. Of course if I was good enough to ride a century without training, I probably would. Not.. I'm trying to make cycling a part of my life.

Keep on Pedalin'


D-Lish said...

Thanks for sending the information. I invited Ryan to post.

I found a free online food journal that I am going to use

You said 4:1 ratio of carb to protein - what are the totals I should be shooting for?

Stay in the saddle - I am going to pick my bike up today. My first ride is close.

tubby said...

4:1 carbs is only for when you are happy with your weight, you will be feeding your body for riding with that.. Don't use while lossing weight.
Just keep the fat and carbs as low as reasonable. When using carbs (bread etc)try to use the low calorie stuff, this allows you to have more meals. A good rule of thumb is 1g protein per pound. What I did was decide my goal weight, and used that to determine my protein per day. Example: I started at 237, my goal weight was 175. So I took in around 175-200g protein, I also only took in between 800-1500 calories per day. That's very aggressive when you combine it with exercise. DO NOT FORGET TO LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!
If it's to much feed yourself for a couple of days (no fast food)and get back to your routine.