Everyone should know that our rooms were suppose to be taken care of many moons ago. But as usual, bikemonkey fell of the back and did not come through. Do not be fooled however, this was part of his game plan all along. Bikemonkey was hopeful that by not providing us a place to stay we would be unable to make the ride, thus allowing him the opportunity to stay home and take care of Tyler while enjoying the newly acquired lap dog. During his calgon, tampax, Oprah filled day, the true alpha male in the family would be out shopping, calling every so often to ensure that laundry and dinner were being taken care of also. Well pal, no such luck. You will be pedaling right along side of us. No matter how many back in the day stories you tell or trophies you adorn your weakling pathetic self will be there sucking wheel. Sure, you can continue to think that making a soft core power point presentation qualifies you to ride the HHH. The reality is, it only allowes us the opportuinity to laugh and make fun of your shiny red hinee. I hope you realize this is a family event this weekend, there are no full moons allowed. Better bring along your sport legs, fast twitch, and any other old fart drugs you can think of.
1 comment:
Wow! All that trash spewing out of your pie hole makes me wonder why you have all this aggression towards me, Oh yeah! I remember now, you cannot hang, therefore you have chosen to throw stones from afar, and from afar I mean at least 10th place or furthur back. Suck it slacker! Just for that, I am taking the whole bottle of sport legs before the ride.
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