Hope you guys have a FN GREAT Friday.
Rumor has it that L-$ is grad U aten on Sat. Whats next a second masters? Doctorate? The good news is (with all them there learnins) if we beat him to the grave he'll be able to write one hell of an eulogy.
Kippo the Clown is here all week... Don't forget to tip your bartender and waitress. Next time your at Applebee's look for bikemonkey he might be reliving the old days. Bikemonkey have you taken any naps while out riding lately? Mr. Snuzzy, or better yet Sleepy the Dwarf. High ho, high ho it's off to sleep I go, with legs of mush, and a big fat tush. High ho, high ho, high ho, high ho.
Your a freak!!! I like the new look though. Is that what happens when you ride in the rain all day? That will be hard to beat but we shall try. I will try to lay off the floggin of the dolphin or punishing the member to see if that does the trick. Thanks for the expert advice, has this worked for you in the past?
Tubby - stay tuned for a picture...frightening, I think I may see some genetic similarity between my kids and you.
Bikemonkey - It will be nice to know that when you and Kipedalin' are done with your 18 mile teenage testosterone bragging rights sprint during the HNH, I will have 82 miles of peace and quiet (go ahead and start some dinner for me).
LaMoney - Congratulations... but what did you tell the dean about how you can't make it to graduation because of coaching 17.5 games at the same time, kissing the dog, playing with the wife, etc.?
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